I guess I should start off with the obvious. Yes I know it's a film entirely about two giant sea monsters and the entire basis of this movie is simply stupid but oh well lets just roll with it because that's not the only negative though the realism in this movie takes a backseat especially at the point where a shark leaps high enough to eat a plane out of the air and at least the film somewhat justifies it with "resurrected, prehistoric sea monsters" which the characters of the movie are just as hesitant to go along with as they always are in monster movies.
One scene in particular seems to have been cut and chopped straight from Jaws with the man in charge refusing to believe that it was an animal that has eaten a chunk of a whale in both cases a shark though instead of a oversized and angry great white it's a megalodon. Another negative point would be the editing both during and between camera shots. It seems to be in love with having random loss of colour in the shot before it returns. I had to check another source to make sure it wasn't a poor copy of the film. It also will have shots changing with bright white flashes and a crashing sound during the first part.
The military, the government and just about everyone else with any power outside of the main characters is so overly macho and ignorant. While I know this is common in films like this to make them seem like the bad guys when you can't do so for the monsters that are acting on instinct it's just the level of it that the film goes to.
Now for some good points. The acting is varied across the board but comes off relatively well for the lead characters who are also fairly well characterized with decent enough backstories and views. The choice to have the female lead (and overall main character) a cynic at points and dozey at points makes her seem normal and everyday against her intelligence that she possesses.
Another good point is that it doesn't spend to much time just concentrating on the havoc the creautres cause. In fact a lot of the movie is more about the scientists trying to figure out how to stop the creatures and avoid the repeated attempts by the military to just blow stuff up some of which are fairly good ideas that are decently explained as to why it makes sense.
Now the special effects are very varied. At some points they look quite good for what it is and at others they are quite awful but overall i'd say the special effects are average which is why it's good that the film doesn't just concentrate on the creatures the entire film or it would be like watching 2012 if it had been a B movie.
I think this is about time to wrap it up for this movie. It's average. Not the worst film around but does nothing special to make it any better than that. If you're into monster movies it's worth watching once and even if you're not you might as well give it a try and see if you like it. I enjoyed it when I watched it before and I still found it relatively enjoyable the second time round.
Personal Score 6/10
Unbiased Score 4.5/10
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