Wednesday, 21 September 2011

The Social Network

Here it is. My second film review. I plan to do it like this every week if possible (based on time, films suggested etc) one midweek and one at the weekend. So lets get started.

The Social Network, for those of you who don't already know, is about the founding of the internet social site facebook which i'll assume you use since it'll be where I post the link to this blog. The film stars Jesse Eisenberg as Mark Zuckerberg a social awkward nerd obsessed with getting into a final club at Harvard which he is a student at. His genius level IQ makes him arrogant believing himself to be better than others which when combined with his social awkwardness makes him rather unbearable to others. Eisenberg plays this role brilliantly showing what would be good acting normally but when compared to a lot of current actors is a refreshing break.

The supporting cast also provide good acting which leads me to be quite fine with saying that one of the best points of this movie is the acting for example, I've never been that big a fan of the music that Justin Timberlake makes but I must say that I enjoyed his acting as Sean Parker.. The slow development of each part of facebook orginally and how it changes is interesting as it provides a good idea for how it came to be rather than the usual reasoning of films of "because I say so".

There's not much I can really go into with my wish to avoid any spoilers. Despite me first saying that the beginning has the "slow development of each part of facebook" that doesn't mean that the beginning of the film is slow or boring itself. It starts strong, stays strong in the middle with good character development and change in the relationships between the characters as tensions rise.

When the ending came around it started off just as well as the rest of the film had done but right there in the last minute or so before the credits I...I want to say I was disappointed but at the same time I agree with the choice of how they ended it. Doing it any other way would have taken a lot more time and would have risked making what was already a 2 hour long film drag on.

As it stands the 2 hours passes comfortably. It may be quite a long film but it is by no means a dull one. I definately think that this is a must see film for most people if not everyone. I'm just glad i've had a break from all the usual films I watch to see something like this and i'll probably watch it again at some point in the near future.

Personal Score: 9/10
Unbiased Score: 8.5/10

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