But anyway, a film can't get by on just the idea that was behind it so lets move on. Batting for the good guys this time round is female lead character Jennifer Marsh (played by Diane Lane according to IMDB) who is an FBI agent working for the cyber police. The film does well to make you like both Jennifer and her colleague Griffin during the beginning of the movie through a mixture of good acting and likeable characters. It also does the reverse for the villain making you want the FBI to win but it shouldn't win points for that because of the fact almost every movie does so.
Now this film when it came out commented well on Diane Lane's acting but not much else with the general feel being that it was little more than another addition to the mass of torture porn films that have been released. I'd like to tell you that this isn't the case. Yes the main part of the film is these people getting killed and so on but it doesn't focus as much on that. While it does show the people being tortured, killed etc it instead pays more attention to the reactions of the other characters as they work to catch the killer and at their horror of what is happening.
I don't really have any major complaints about this movie. I have one or two minor irritations that I can't really talk about because of spoilers but even they aren't that big a deal. Overall this is a pretty good movie. Not one of the best in the world and while the idea is quite clever it doesn't really do much else to make it stand out from the rest. Still better one new point than none. It's definately one to watch if you like thiller/crime movies and even if you don't it's still probably worth seeing if they aren't your cup of tea. You never know you may change your mind.
Personal Score: 9.5/10 (this is my kind of movie)
Unbiased Score: 7.5/10
(Sorry if these reviews seem a little short or empty. Despite watching the movies looking for things to write about I struggle to find anything to talk about in them that won't cause a spoiler)
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